Terrifying Technology

by heatherlstevens

The terrifying truth about technology really made me think about just how much technology impacts our lives. Technology has changed the world in so many ways and we never know what will be next. The future being unknown can be terrifying in itself. 

I would completely agree with Daniel Wilson. Although I never thought of adapting to technology quite as in depth as he has, it makes perfect sense. As part of the young generation I am in the adapting and learning stage. It is easy for me to adapt to the new technologies because I don’t know of any other way to do it. As Wilson said technology is created by the young for the young now a days. It is easier for us to adapt because we just follow what our friends are doing and go with the flow of society without a second thought. The ever-changing technology and its adaptors are definitely an example of the social learning theory. I know I wanted a blackberry sophomore year of college because all of my friends had a cell phone with Internet. I then wanted an Iphone senior year because all of my friends had Iphones. As soon as the next Iphone comes out I am sure I will want that because that is what all of my friends will want and have as well.

Wilson talks about radio, television and facebook all being created by people in their 20’s and scaring the heck out of the older generation. My parents are both in their 50’s and have never been on facebook. My mom says she doesn’t even want to get on because it’s just too much for her. My dad on the other hand does not even really know how to use the computer. He gets on a computer maybe once a month to google random things. My parents are not terrified of the technology just not wiling to take the time to learn about such a new invention.      

Although I have to admit my mom gets pretty upset with me when I know things about her sisters, or any close family or friends before she does. I’ll ask her if she knew about my cousins engagement and she will say “Ugh no! How do you know that?” I always reply Facebook and she always gets annoyed. She believes people should still call and tell you exciting news rather then posting it on facebook for the whole world to see.

“I’m not saying you have to keep up. But at the moment you choose to stop growing, your world will begin to shrink. You’ll be able to communicate with fewer people, especially the young. You will only see reruns. You will not understand how to pay for things. The outside world will become a frightening and unpredictable place.” At this point I do not think the world has become frightening for my parents but if they continue to stop growing the older they get the more frightening it may become. For example my grandfather who is 86 just recently got his first cell phone. He always forgets to take it with him when he leaves the house and he never charges it. This technology is just way too advanced for him and he really never uses it. In all honesty though what is the point of him having the phone other than for emergencies? By time you teach him to use the phone something new will be available and he will have to adapt to something brand new again. His world has definitely shrunk when it comes to communicating with younger generations but if he wants to talk to people his own age he will call them or go see them, just like they used to in the olden days. He has told me the outside world is a bit confusing but he would rather just stick to what he knows and not try adapting to new things constantly. I think that must be the easiest thing for his generation because it must get exhausting to keep up with all of the new advancements and improvements.

I agree completely with this article and I would be very interested in reading Wilson’s book. I believe this trend with technology is inevitable and the same trends will continue to occur. When a new technology arises and is created by the young, the young are not threatened and take on the challenge. As we age, we become less willing to adapt and experience new things.